Book: "Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare: Developments, Examples and Perspectives"

Release Date

March 17, 2022


Artificial intelligence (AI) is already influencing work and everyday life and accompanies people in completing work tasks. In healthcare, AI is considered a key technology and a driver of progress and employment. New algorithms are helping AI to become a game changer in the healthcare market. Conventional treatment methods in the diagnostics and in the therapy of patients are changing. Medical and nursing staff should be supported and relieved through the use of AI. Artificial intelligence promises great benefits for individuals and companies. However, the social, financial, technical and legal framework conditions must also be taken into account. Despite the many possibilities, the use of artificial intelligence in personal data and in certain business models must be critically examined and reflected upon.

This edited work provides an overview of current – sometimes controversial – topics from theory, research, transfer and practice. In 43 contributions, 82 renowned authors and experts present their knowledge, insights, experiences and assessments. Solution approaches and problem areas in the use of artificial intelligence in healthcare are shown. Through a clear clustering and classification of the book contributions in subject-related overviews, the work is suitable for beginners as well as for practitioners and scientists.

The content

  • AI in health care, the pharmaceutical industry and medical technology
  • Implementation options, AI startups, AI strategies and AI methods
  • AI in prevention, diagnostics, therapy and aftercare
  • Use of AI in speech, text, image and pattern recognition
  • AI in chronic diseases, cancer and in personalized medicine
  • Regulatory requirements, ethical aspects, big data, smart services
  • AI innovations in automation, robotics and digitization
  • Deep Learning, Machine Learning and Neural Networks

My Chapter

Simply think data differently! Big data (BD) and artificial intelligence (AI) in practice

Pages 521 – 546

The Publisher

Prof. Dr. Mario A. Pfannstiel is a professor of business administration in the healthcare sector – in particular innovative services at the Neu-Ulm University of Applied Sciences.

About the author and other contributors

Prof. Dr. Mario A. Pfannstiel is a professor of business administration in the healthcare sector – in particular innovative services at the Neu-Ulm University of Applied Sciences. He holds a diploma from the Nordhausen University of Applied Sciences in the field of “Social Management” with a specialization in “Financial Management”, an M.Sc. degree from Dresden International University in patient management and an M.A. degree from the Technical University of Kaiserslautern and the University of Witten/Herdecke in the management of health and social institutions. The doctorate took place at the Faculty of Social and Economic Sciences and the Chair for Management, Professional Services and Sport Economics at the University of Potsdam. At the University of Bayreuth he was employed as a research assistant at the chair for strategic management and organization in the third-party funded project “Service4Health”. He worked as a consultant to the medical director at the heart center in Leipzig. His research work includes numerous articles, journals and books on management in the healthcare industry.

Product Information

  • Publisher: ‎Springer Gabler; 1st edition 2021 Edition (February 4, 2022)
  • Language: ‎German
  • Hardcover: ‎714 pages
  • ISBN-10: ‎ 3658335963
  • ISBN-13: ‎ 978-3658335960
  • Dimensions: 16.79 cm x 24 cm

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