Gastdozent am International Institute for Management Development (IMD), Lausanne, Schweiz - IMD-Lausanne

Weyhe near Bremen (Germany) – November 23, 2021 – Claus Michael Sattler. Interim manager, consultant, book author, keynote speaker and university lecturer for “Digitization, Digital Transformation, Industry 4.0, Reference Architecture Model Industry 4.0 (RAMI 4.0), Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) and Made in China 2025” will be on November 27, 2021 and November 28, 2021 as part of the MBA program of the International Institute for Management Development (IMD), Lausanne, Switzerland, teaching about the challenges of digital transformation to managers as a guest lecturer. In the digital transformation, Sattler played a key role in coining terms such as “indirect preventive maintenance”, “logic data bridge” and “just think of data differently!” in connection with Industry 4.0. In Lausanne, he complements the lectures of the renowned Kellogg HKUST and IMD professor Prof. Dr. Karl Schmedders.

In his lectures, Sattler will highlight several key aspects of today’s data management challenges in companies.

  1. Only those who know the past will be able to shape the future.
  2. Endogenous and exogenous influences on available data, data to be generated and additionally required data are presented using examples from motor sports and food retailing.
  3. The theoretical foundations of the Industry 4.0 reference architecture model (RAMI 4.0) are presented using examples from the world of a medium-sized mechanical engineering company and a medium-sized manufacturer of pharmaceuticals.
  4. Furthermore, Sattler will use two examples to present the principle of the data fabric and the smart data fabric, with which the significant restrictions of media breaks and data silos can be lifted, which he described in the book “Digital Transformation of Services in the Health Service VII – Impulses for the pharmaceutical industry” had described.
  5. Finally, students will assume the role of a newly hired Chief Digital Officer (CDO) and apply the techniques and methods they have learned to the setting of a fictional brewery.

Claus Michael Sattler is co-author of the books “Digital Transformation of Healthcare Services VII – Impulses for the Pharmaceutical Industry” and “Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare – Developments, Examples and Perspectives”. Mario A. Pfannstiel and published by Springer-Gabler-Verlag. He is also the author of the books “Enterprise Management” (Addison Wesley Verlag), “Daten einfach anders denken! Das unerkannte Gold der Unternehmen!” (Release date Q1.2024) and “Simply think data differently! Companies’ undiscovered gold!“ (Release date Q4.2023).

Listed by the following agencies for the placement of interim managers and experts:

Contact Details

Formal / Legal

Claus Michael Sattler
(Master Craftsman / Business Economist)

P.O.-Box 1142
28833 Weyhe

Telephone: 0049 (174) 6031377


Diploma in Economics and Sinology
Renate Sattler
HKUST-Kellogg-EMBA (Hong Kong University of Science and Technology)

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